Attendance and Cancellation Policy

We value your time, our time & the services we provide. When you make an appointment at Connected Kidz Pediatric Therapy, that time is reserved exclusively for you. We schedule our resources, staff and contractors time to that appointment, and while we understand that there are times when you must miss an appointment due to emergencies or obligations for family or work; Cancellations without notice cost our service financially and often prevent other service users from being seen.

In order to keep our business sustainable, we need to keep our schedules full and collect payment for our work. Our sessions operate similarly to the seats on an airplane. They are limited, in demand, and once that plane has taken off, that seat can’t be resold. Therefore we have to uphold our cancellation policy, as we want to provide high-quality services and pay our team reasonable wages.

Non-emergency cancellations require 24 hours’ notice. Non-emergencies include vacations, pre-planned medical appointments, family events, parties, sports events, school field trips, lack of babysitter, or anything that is not designated as “emergency” (see below).

The session must be cancelled no later than 24 hours before the appointment for non-emergencies.

The client must attend at least 80% of scheduled sessions over a 3 month time period. If there are more than two cancellations in a 3 month period, the client WILL lose his or her weekly slot in the clinician’s schedule.

If the session is not cancelled with 24 hours’ notice for non-emergencies, a $75 charge will be applied to your account.

If you “no show” an appointment (do not show up without letting us know), a $100 charge will be applied to your account.

Emergencies require notification by 6 hours prior to session. Emergency cancellations are accepted only for illness (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, COVID-19 positive test results for any member of household and or client, and rash; Common colds can be discussed on a case by case basis), illness of a direct caregiver, or death in the family. These sessions must be cancelled
by 7:00 AM on the day of the appointment. If you or your child are ill (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash) when the therapist arrives or you arrive to the clinic, the session will be ended, and you will be charged for the session.

If there are more than two sick cancellations per month, the client will be asked to give up his or her weekly slot in the therapist’s schedule.

If you choose to leave during your child’s session and are not back by the stop time (I.E. session is 60 minutes and starts at 1:00 and not back by 2:00), you will be charged $1 per minute you are late (3 minutes = $3, 10 minutes = $10). We do not have staff available after your scheduled session to watch your child and keep them safe.

Please understand when you are unable to provide more than 24 hours’ notice for missing an appointment, being charged for the appointment is not intended to be punitive and should not be interpreted to convey any emotions on our end. It is purely a necessity to keep our small business viable.